Kenneth Brayton
Kenneth Brayton

Kenneth Brayton

Director At Large

Kenneth Brayton Bio

Kenny Brayton is an 18-year veteran of law enforcement and a 16-year SWAT veteran. He has served in multiple SWAT roles, including operator,chemical agents specialist, master breacher, explosive breacher, SWAT firearms instructor, team leader, and SWAT supervisor. Kenny currently supervises his department's full-time SWAT team.

A veteran of the United States Marine Corps, Kenny has completed multiple combat deployements in support of the global war on terrorism. He has served as a squad leader for combat units and has been awarded multiple times for heroism under fire, including a Purple Heart for wounds revieved in action.

Kenny is a graduate of CATO's Strategic Laeadership Program and serves on CATO's board of directors. With over 10 years of instructional experience, he has taught various classes and training sessions accross the United States. He currently instructs for CATO's SWAT Commander Course, SWAT Team Leader Course, and Critical Incident Leadership Course and is a facilitator for CATO's Strategic Leadership Program.

Additionally, Kenny has been a regular guest on CATO's podcast and has contributed articles to CATO's magazine.